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PUBLISHED WORKS: Smart Parenting Philippines

My Published Articles On Parenting, Family and Relationships

10 Ways to De-Stressing your Married Life, October 27, 2012
10 Ways to De-Stress and Be a Better Mom, September 14, 2012
Is Your Family Going Through Tough Times? How to Help your Children Cope, August 22, 2012
The Benefits of Pretend Play to your Child's Development, July 26, 2012
Anxieties of a New Mom: 7 Ways on Dealing with Unsolicited Advice, July 13, 2012
7 Ways to Support Your Partner in Fulfilling His Role as a Father, June 17, 2012
Kids Hurting Others: How to Deal with Our Child's Hurtful Behavior, June 30, 2012
Does Your Child Use Crying to Get What He Wants, June 30, 2012
Single Parents, Second Chances, February 20, 2012
10 Resolutions for Couples Towards a Happier Relationship, January 2, 2012
Waiting to Have a Baby: How to Deal with the Emotional and Social Pressures, January 9, 2012
The Language of Love: Different Ways to Show Love to our Children, December 28, 2011
6 Christmas Traditions that Bring Out the Spirit of the Season, December 19, 2011
10 Christmas Stories from Kids' Well-Loved Characters, December 13, 2011
Strenghtening Godparent-Godchild Relationship, December 9, 2011
There's No Place Like Home, September 28, 2011
Book Review: Hot Chocolate for Couples, September 22, 2011
T'was the Night Before Christmas, September 2, 2011
On The Night You Were Born: Book Review, August 2011


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