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A Mother's Day Reflection

Mothers are God's precious blessing to humanity. 

Unworthy as we are, God didn't want us to be deprived of the opportunity to experience such pure and unconditional love through them. 

I, myself, was blessed with a mother who taught me that love often requires personal sacrifice ... that being together with your family can make any burden light ... that praying for your family is the best gift a mother can ever give ...  that a mother can be your bestfriend forever ... and so much more.

My mother inspired me to realize my own personal mission as a mom too. I embraced motherhood as one of the best thing that ever happened to me.  It's definitely not an easy task, especially in my case, raising an active, playful toddler in a foreign country.  But nothing can ever compare with that awesome sense of fulfillment in each hug after every tantrum, in each kiss after every scolding episode, for every standing up after each fall,  in every smile after each crying moment, in every peaceful sleeps together after a tiring day and in the warmth of hearing each "ba-bu" (my son's version of I love You) after every "sorry".  Being a mom brings out the best and sometimes worst in me, but it is in striving to bring out the best in my child that gives me the strength to carry on this task and realize that every sacrifice is definitely worth it.

We each had our own mothers to serve as our models and for some, our own motherhood experiences to cherish.  In the bible, God has blessed us with examples of motherhood to constantly remind us to be thankful of this special gift in our lives.  

Allow me to share with you some of my inspirations:

1. Ruth (Ruth 1:16) - "Don't ask me to leave you and turn back.  Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live.  Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God." .  

RUTH with her mother-in-law NAOMI (photo from

An example of submission and self-sacrifice.
On a personal note, my mom's name is Ruth and i believe it was no accident that she was given this name for submission and self-sacrifice was indeed evident in her life.

2. Hannah (1 Samuel 2:1) - Then Hannah prayed: "My heart rejoices in the Lord!  The Lord has made me strong!". 

Hannah (photo from
 An example of faith and courage amidst personal struggles.  Hannah was childless during those times when not having a child was considered the ultimate failure. But rather than allow her pain to cause bitterness towards God, she used the pain in her heart as a catalyst to pray. Hannah was soon blessed with a child, Samuel, whom she offered to God at a young age and became one of the old testament's greatest prophet.

Hannah was my personal inspiration during those times when my husband and I were longing to have our own baby.  After 4 long years of waiting God indeed answered our prayers.  And as our way of thanking God, we also commit to raise our child according to God's plan for him.

3. Jochebed: Moses' Birth-Mother (Exodus 2:3) - "But when she could no longer hide him, she got a basket made of papyrus reeds and waterproofed it with tar and pitch.  She put the baby in the basket  and laid it among the reeds along the bank of Nile River". 

Jochebed, Mother of Moses (photo from The Prince of Egypt)
An example of full dependence on God.  Jochebed must have been terrified by the prospect of her baby being killed so she had to let go of him.  She didn't know where Moses would end up, or if he would escape death, but she trusted God.
As a woman, I have committed to serve God as a fulltime missionary.  But as a mother, sometimes the practicality of being able to provide for our child's future, can cause me to worry.  With complete dependence on God, I know He holds the best plan for our family and we will be ready to follow His way.

4. Blessed Virgin Mary (Luke 1:42) - "Elizabeth gave a glad cry and exclaimed to Mary, "God has blessed you above all women, and your child is blessed."

Mary Mother of Christ
Ofcourse, our Mother Mary embodies the very essence of Motherhood - submission, self-sacrifice, unconditional love.

For as long as I can remember, I have been a devotee of Mama Mary.  This is my mom's legacy to me.  She taught me that when all else fails, look to Mary for answers.  For only a true mother can understand us.

Lord, thank you for all the Ruths, Hannahs, Jochebeds and Marys, I have met in this lifetime.

Most of all, thank you for the gift of mothers and motherhood. 

*Article published in the CFC Middle East Regional Missions Office Official Website (


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