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A Heavenly Feast: A Reflection on the Feast of the Assumption

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: August 15 -
Gospel according to Luke 1:39-56

I came across an analogy on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from a catholic internet site,  where it was referred to as "Mary's Heavenly Birthday",  for it was the day that Mary was received into Heaven - the wholeness of her sinless soul and incorrupt body.

It is indeed a great affirmation for all of us to be reminded of what this Feast truly represents.  Mary being received into heaven symbolizes God's promise of salvation for all of us.  We all have a chance to experience our very own "heavenly birthdays"... the day when we will fully complete our earthly mission and begin our eternal life with God in heaven.  Imagine how a great "party" will be celebrated in heaven... angels singing, saints rejoicing and our God so joyful.

My husband and I love organizing birthday parties for our son.  Each year, no matter how simple we wish to celebrate his birthday, we always try to make every moment special for him.   A few days back, our son celebrated his 3rd birthday. We can feel the excitement in him days before the celebration.  I remembered how he came up to us, gave us a great big hug and said, "thank you, mommy, thank you, daddy" after his party.  And just before ending his special day, we came together as a family and said a prayer of thanksgiving for such a blessed day for our son.

Now imagine how God, our Father, will  orgainize such a great feast for us on our "heavenly birthdays"!  And imagine how, like little children, we will be so excited to see what kind of party we will experience from our Father.

Although heaven's gates will always be open to God's faithful, we still need to do our part to be worthy of this privilege. And so we look to Mary, our Mother, for inspiration.  Every mother would want the best for their children.  She will be one with us in celebrating our "heavenly birthdays"... just as she herself experienced this great feast in heaven.

Let our Mother be our guide and let her show us the way to be united with our God, Our Father:

"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior!"
1. We are to be reflections of Christ - body, soul and spirit.  No matter how unworthy we may oftentimes feel as a result of our sinfulness and weaknesses. We acknowledge that God is greater than our weak and sinful state.  That with Him and thru Him we will always have reasons to renew ourselves and "rejoice" for His mercies never fail.

"For He has looked upon His handmaid's lowliness,"
2. We are called to be humble servants.  Though Mary was destined for greatness being chosen to be Mother of our Savior, she never forgot to remain grounded in her roots, coming from a humble status in life back then.  We are called to do the same... no matter how successful, how rich, how famous we have become... all these should be offered back to glorify God.  For He is the true source of our earthly achievements.

"The Mighty one has done great things for me, and holy is His name,"
3. We are and will always be blessed.  Indeed great things are promised to those whose hearts are connected with God.  Loving God assures us of a blessed life.

Thank you Lord for giving us a humble servant, a shining example through our Blessed Mother, Mary.  Today, may we celebrate her "heavenly birthday" with joy in our hearts, knowing that one day we too, will be one with you in heaven.

*Article published in the CFC Middle East Regional Missions Office Official Facebook Fanpage


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