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COFFEE REFLECTIONS: When Tragedy Happens... What is God Telling Us?

I was supposed to write about a different topic but for some reason, I found myself reflecting on the shooting tragedy which happened in Colorado a few days back.

Perhaps we are all aware by now that last July 20, during a midnight showing of the movie, "The Dark Knight Rises",  a gunman opened fired in a theater in Aurora, Colorado.  According to ABC News, most who were watching that night were young adults, teenagers and young children with their families.  Atleast 12 people were killed including a 3-year old.

Photo Credits: AP Photo / The Denver Post, RJ Sangost - E Online Photo Gallery
As a mom, my heart goes out to the young, innocent victims and the families they left behind. 

I may not know exactly what the bereaved families are going through right now, but I believe that nothing could ever compare to the emotional pain of losing a loved one.  

I was touched by an interview with the mother of one of the victims, Jessica Ghawi, she said that "We were blessed to have her every second,... We were blessed to have her.", as she remembers her daughter.   Such heartfelt words coming only from a mother.   

Indeed people come into our lives as a blessing... especially the people we love the most.  It is difficult to imagine being in this world without them.  

But on the other hand, it also makes me value life and relationships even more.  

I am being reminded of an important thing in life which at times I tend to take for granted - my RELATIONSHIPS with other people and God:  

Never miss an opportunity to let the people we love know how precious they are to us.  
 Time spent with family and friends should be time well-spent.  Let us enrich our lives by loving the people closest to our hearts and make them realize it more and more each day. 

Invest in relationships - even with people we've just met or have met for a while.
A simple act of kindness is sometimes all it takes to make a difference.  Thanking the guard who opened the door - even if he is just doing his job.  Smiling at the cleaning lady in a women's restroom.  A word of encouragement to a colleague at work... 
We never know - but it just might be what they need at a particular moment.

Share the good news of God to as many people as we can.   
     If God is alive in our hearts...  people can see and experience it.  Let us carry on our call to evangelize.  People tend to lose hope, courage, meaning in their lives if God is not part of it. 

Live life to the fullest.
We never know what the future holds. Make each moment count.  Never waste a day in our life feeling down and hopeless but always look forward to God's plans and what life has to offer. 

As a missionary mom, I am being affirmed more and more of the greatness of God's desire to be part of more lives - make Him known to this world.  Bring Him to more people in order for them to get to know him in a deeper, more personal way.
For those who are suffering and mourning,  it may be tempting to ask... where is God in all of these?  

I believe we need to realize that bad things happen when we take God out of our lives - our sinfulness, our denial, our pride.  We tend to push God away because we feel that the world doesn't need Him. 

Apart from God, it is difficult to see goodness in this world. 

But no matter how much we push God away, He will always be there to comfort us... to give us hope... to uplift us... and to bear our pains.  All we need is to ask and to seek Him amidst the tragedies happening around us.

Trust that there will always be light at the end of every dark tunnel.  God will and can bring into light goodness and blessings out of any tragic moment. 

Photo Credits:

Colo. Shooting Victim Jessica Ghawi: 'She Was Like a Jolt of Lighting,' Mother Says

Aurora, Colo., Shooting Witnesses: Shock Value Could Add to PTSD Vulnerability


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